My interest in photography started way back in the mid 60's when I was a member of 331 Squadron Air Training Corps and armed with a Kodak Brownie 127 took photographs hither and thither after which I learned to develop them, enlarge them and print them much to my families pleasure
During the early 1970's I was sent to Germany by the RAF and treated myself to the darling of the time the Minolta, similar to the one on the right. The film makers must have thought that I was some sort of head case as the number films I sent away to processes into slides was manic and I have only recently digitised some of them and thrown away the originals
After a few trips round a lot of the world I was sent again to live in Germany, this time at 2 bases. One day after a rush of blood to the head I had to suffer the punishment of the day and the world famous Jankers. During the time serving my punishment I saved enough money to buy the camera to the right which I still have today
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